It's a very American thing. In conversations we ask … what do you do? What did he do? And usually, we’ll hear what their job is or was.
Recently someone asked, ‘what did your father do?’ I could have said he was like Loretta Lynn’s Dad. I resisted. He was more than that. Yes, he worked in the coal mines. His job was to dynamite the coal face. Blast out the precious black diamonds.
That’s not who he was. He was a storyteller. A singer of Irish songs. A champion of our goals. A hard worker. A teacher. He was all those things and more. So, what did he do? He taught by example. Of course he wasn’t perfect. That’s a good thing.
Love, admiration, and friendships happen by knowing the person. Never because of the person’s job. It’s how that person makes us feel.
To answer the question: What did your father DO? He made me feel special. That’s what good friends, good parents, and good teachers do.
Next time I’m tempted to ask – ‘what do you do?’ I’ll try to remember to say, ‘so, tell me about yourself.’
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