Grasshopper Mind


FEBRUARY 12, 2025



My family attempts to delay my becoming a curmudgeon.  They recently commented that I spend a lot of time, and words, glorifying things I miss.  They referenced the recent Grasshopper headlined ‘Out with the New, In with the Old'.  I’ll bet, said one, there are more new things you enjoy than there are old things you miss.  Challenge on.



As usual, my observant family was correct.  The useful inventions over the decades far outnumber the ‘stuff’ I think I miss.  The list of the new is, as Dr Seuss would say, longer than long.


Topping the list of what I would not willingly part with: Washers and dryers.   Cars with automatic drive.  Mobile telephones.  Suitcases with wheels.  Computers (yes, computers).   Grip jar opener.  Panty hose. The list continues to the tiniest indulgence of instant hot water for my afternoon tea.



Did I live without the old things I miss?  Yes.   Could I live without the conveniences I now enjoy?  Of course.



So, what could I not live without?  Nothing tangible.  Oh, I’d miss music, art, fresh strawberries, cozy slippers.  Still, I could survive without them.  What I could not happily live without is hope.   Without hope I’d miss knowing that, whether I take advantage of it or not, each day presents an opportunity to make a difference in some small way. 



To quote an unknown author: We are shaped by our past, but we are not chained to it. 




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