Grasshopper Mind


FEBRUARY 21, 2025

A while back I became fascinated with birds.  My friends, already bird lovers, warned me: Be careful, you’ll find yourself adopting these beautiful creatures.  Next thing you know, you’ll be talking to them.


Sure enough.  This chilly morning, I found myself asking a visiting Cardinal: How do you survive this cold?  Where is your mate? I hope she’s OK.


The mate appeared. Oh good, says me, I’m really glad to see you.  By the way, do you like the new food?  I read where it is a favorite of yours


What is it about birds that both captivates and calms us? Do we envy their freedom. Are we fascinated by the variety. Lulled by their music.  The way they protect their young.  Because they always seem so happily busy.  Or, do we believe that, in our own way, we are helping them survive.


Whatever it is, I am hooked.  Two mourning doves just joined my family. Best get more food.


Thanks Dr. Doolittle, for understanding.



Extra from: My mother, who loved birds. A poem she taught us:


The North winds doth blow, and we will have snow,

And what will poor Robin do then?

He’ll hide in the barn, to keep himself warm.

And hide his head under his wing – poor thing.