Grasshopper Mind


JANUARY 1, 2022


Auld Lang Syne is sung around the world on New Year’s Eve. It’s a tradition.  What does it mean? The correct interpretation is times long past, or more accurately old long since.


Circling the table or room, arms around each other, swaying to the music, we sang Auld Lang Syne as soon as we were old enough to be in the room. We tried to wedge between two people we knew in case the ritual hugs or kiss ended the song.


Many of us attach the song’s meaning to the lyrics Should auld acquaintance be forgot. Makes sense.  When the page turns to a new year, our minds turn to old friends, memories we shared, missing friends. We focus on the good memories. Doing otherwise would invite misfortune.


In our home we paid homage to absent friends by calling their names and asking them to take care of our health and happiness in the coming year.


The lyrics We’ll take a cup o’ kindness yet, for the sake of auld lang syne refers to raising your glass or cup to friendship and kindness.  We recall the kindnesses we have received and given. We resolve to do more, do better.


When the clock strikes midnight and the old year ends – singing Auld Lang Syne feels refreshing.  Sing with a group; sing alone. Zoom friends and family.  Remembering good times, good friends, good deeds, and good intentions is a perfect way to launch a new year.


Plan to create new memories, enjoy friends, share a cup o’ kindness, and – remember the good intentions. New Year’s Eve comes around, without fail, every single year.


Here’s to a brand-new year, to peace and understanding, to friends past, present and future. To health and healing. To you and yours


To 2022 and beyond.


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